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  • The name of the candidate seeking admission to the school is registered in the school office.
  • The form duly filled in should be returned to the school office along with one stamp-size photograph & other documents before the last date, as decided by the Management.
  • The intimation of the date and timings for the lottery of candidates' names & Interviews will be given to the applicants from the school office desk. 
  • For classes Pre-Nursery & Nursery, admissions are done based on the Lottery system. 
  • Applicants found suitable for admission, will be intimated for the completion of admission formalities after depositing the required fees along with the necessary and relevant documents. 
  • The form issued by the school is non-transferable & should be used in its original form. Classes Minimum Age (On 1st April) Maximum Age (On 1st April) Pre-Nursery 2 ½ Yrs. Plus 3 ½Yrs. Plus Nursery 3 ½Yrs. Plus 4 ½ Yrs. Plus L.K.G. 4 ½ Yrs. Plus 5 ½ Yrs. Plus U.K.G 5 ½ Yrs. Plus. INTERVIEW / TEST 
  • The school does not have any Management Quota.
  •  From classes, I to VIII, candidates' admissions will be granted based on the availability of seats in the respective classes. In class IX, admission is granted based on the performance in the previous class and the written test conducted in the school. The school authority reserves the right to short-list the candidates after written tests and interviews. 
  • The result will be available from the school office only. 
  • Incomplete forms will be rejected during the short-listing of the candidates
  • 25% of seats are reserved for BPL students which may be filled in after the due permission of DEO if seats are vacant. ( ENCLOSURES REQUIRED FOR ADMISSION ) Copies of the underwritten Certificates are required for Final Admission

                      1. Birth Certificate (Photocopy) - Class I

                      2. Mark sheet (Photocopy) - Class II Onwards.

                      3. Transfer Certificate (Original) Countersigned by concerned Regional officer - Class II Onwards.

                      4. Two recently attested photographs - For all the classes of the applicant


 Transfer certificate should be issued after having been duly signed by the regular Principal/Vice Principal. It should be counter-signed by an officer, not below the rank of District Inspector of Schools/Deputy Director of Education/Education Officer of the Education Deptt. of the State/Union Territory concerned. 

  • In the case of a student migrating from one CBSE-affiliated school to another CBSE-affiliated school, the transfer certificate of the previous school of such a student may be countersigned by the Regional Officer of the Board or the Asstt. Commissioner of the KVS or the Deputy Director. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti in India or an officer of the Board at the Head-quarters and by the First Secretary / Attache / Cultural Attache or an equivalent office of the Embassy / High Commission of India in the concerned country in respect of students studying in an affiliated school of the CBSE situated outside the country and the student shall not be admitted to a school without such a counter signature. 
  • No admission will be validated till the above-mentioned documents are submitted. 
  • Even if the admission fee is remitted, the admission will be only provisional till the above-written documents are deposited and found correct by the school authorities. 
  • Admission in classes Nur. - I. requires a Xerox Copy of the original Birth certificate issued by the Municipal Body. It must be attested by a gazetted officer. WITHDRAWAL Issue of TC 
  • A clear calendar month's notice in writing or a month's fee instead of notice must be given before the pupil's withdrawal. 
  • Those who leave school in May must in all cases pay the fees for June. 
  • A transfer certificate is issued only when all the dues of the school are settled. 
  • Students can be asked to leave the school on the following grounds

                    (i) Non-payment of fees.

                    (ii) Disciplinary reasons.

                    (iii) Repeated detention in the class.

                    (v) Delay a Repetitive failure in payment of the fee.

                    (vi) Absence without a fee.

                    (vii) Non-adherence to school rules and regulations. 

  •  If the application of withdrawal is given after 15th June then a pro-rata fee will be charged. A transfer certificate will be issued after all the dues are cleared and the clearance form is completed.